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Thanks for your interest in completing the Cricket Australia ‘National Cricket Survey 2023’. We are looking to understand more about our participants (players, volunteers, officials etc.) and past participants to help us create a better cricket experience for everyone. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes and you will have the chance to win one of 40+ fantastic prizes including:

  • a match day hospitality experience for four people,
  • 15 × $100 pre-paid Master Cards,
  • 10 × signed cricket bats,
  • 5 × cricket equipment kits, or
  • 15 × Dettol packs to help keep your family safe next summer!
  • Social media intro screen

    a)  If you are 16 years old or older and have no children who participate in cricket please select ‘this is me’ and answer the survey on behalf of yourself.

    b)  If you are 16 years old or older and the parent/legal guardian of any children who have played cricket now or in the past you can choose whether you take the survey on behalf of yourself or assist ONE OF your children to do the survey. Please select one option:

    c)  If you are under 16 you will need to have a parent assist you.